Who is it?
Wilderness Girls.
Wilderness Girls.
A little late
to be selling cookies.
Troop leader says
we are not meeting our quota.
l'll take a couple of boxes.
That won't be necessary,
Miss York.
l got to be honest.
You look better in the wig.
My hairstyle is the least
of your worries.
Wilderness Girls, eh?
So that's how you're
moving the drugs.
Brilliant, Miss York.
Where is the meecrofilm?
The what?
The meecrofilm.
l don't know anything
about any meecrofilm.
Don't play coy with me.
This is too important.
And this is the plot.
lmportant enough so that anyone
within earshot...
should listen to each
and every detail?
That important.
And you're talking
about the microfilm...
which holds the recipe
for turning cocaine...
into innocent-looking cookies?
l don't know anything about it.
ln a little while, Miss York,
you will be begging for mercy.