What you got, lrv?
Oh. Beats me, Sarge.
Dandruff, seborrhea,
maybe just dry, itchy scalp.
Have you tried this, lrv?
l use it.
Head & Shoulders?
Sarge, you don't have dandruff.
l know.
Are you ready to limbo?
What'll it be?
Matte finish or glossy?
Good choice.
Be ready in about a week.
So what are we looking at
here, Doc?
The worst-dressed stiff
l've ever seen.
This stiff and l pounded a beat
together for five years...
so show some respect.
l'm sorry, Wes.
l see so much
of this senseless mayhem...
that sometimes l get
a little insensitive.
All right, this loser has taken
the chickenshit way out...
and punched her own ticket.
Suicide, huh?
She must have caught
herself by surprise.
Found these
on the floor near her.
Wilderness Girl cookies.
Give me a hand, Doc.