Maybe Officer Davis
can make us all laugh.
Nice to see all those
smiling faces out there.
What do you call 2,000 lawyers
at the bottom of the sea?
A good start.
Say, why'd the guy give a name
to his penis?
He didn't want a stranger
making most of his decisions.
Thanks a lot.
You've been great.
Make sure he doesn't
get any doughnuts.
You could have gone
a little lighter on the guys.
That's how it starts, Colt.
You lighten up,
next thing you know...
all the rules
are out the window.
Tight ass.
You say something?
What is it with you guys?
l run a respectable place.
What are you rousting me for?
l got friends downtown.
l don't know
what you're talking about.
We haven't said anything yet.
l got nothing to say.
Park the tongue, buddy.
l'm Sergeant Colt.
This is Sergeant Luger.
You know a woman
by the name of Billy York?
You got a picture?
Oh. Ahem. Here we go.
That her?
No. That's her picture.
Nope. Don't know her.
Well, maybe this
will refresh your memory.
l don't know.
She's a little out of focus.