They're too strong
and powerful...
and they're too...
je ne sais quoi.
We can protect you.
Le commedia est finie.
Guess that's the last time
he'll trust a cop.
Give it to me straight.
ls this it, the big checkout?
Level with me.
How bad is it?
lt's not bad.
You'll be fine.
You'll be back
on your feet in no time.
Your ticket.
Don't bury me.
l'll only be a minute.
Yes, sir.
Closer together.
OK, big smile.
They bought it right away.
Those two tried
to make a getaway.
They gave me a new partner, too.
This is Sport.
She likes you.
l've done worse.
What are we looking at?
A mixed breed--
Rottweiler and Chihuahua.
They must have used a lubricant.
l'm talking about the case.
Seeing Sport makes me think
l could love again.
What do you have, lrv?
l'm not sure, Sarge.
lt's a nagging, itching,
burning sensation.
What the hell do you expect?
Your foot's on fire.
Hey, what you got, Sarge?