May l help you?
lt can't be.
Not Mary O'Brien...
the bucktoothed,
pigtailed little girl
l knew in the fifth grade?
No, l'm not.
May l help you?
l'm Sergeant Luger.
This is Sergeant Colt.
These are our wallets.
Metropolitan Police.
We'd like to speak
to whomever's in charge.
Follow me.
Miss Demeanor
will be right with you.
Help yourself to some cookies.
Let me do the talking.
l've eaten her cookies.
You're the boss.
Detectives Colt and Loser?
Oh, sorry. Loogie.
Uh, why don't you
make yourselves at home?
No, l meant
why don't you sit down...
and tell me what you want?
Can l get either of you
something to drink?
Uh, just water.
No, thanks.
We're investigating a felony,
Miss Demeanor.
Oh, sounds violent.
l hate violence.
Anyone for snow cones?