Lost in Yonkers

Bella did?
I just told her China was on the other side.
She got all excited
because she loves Chinese food.

- Did Grandma ever know about this?
- She found out about it after a while.

When I crawled out the other side,
she was waiting.

Whacko! I got that big German hand
across the head.

Then it was prison for me.
- What prison?
- Grandma's closet.

She used to lock me in there,
two, three hours at a time.

No light, no water, no food.
Just enough air to breathe.
- That would make me crazy.
- I'm tough as nails.

Come on. Let's go. Give me your arm.
Arty, come on.
Funny place for a manhole cover.
Stole it from down the street,
me and Bella did.

I told her it was to keep everyone
from China from moving into our house.

Let's go.
All right. Back up, boys. Come on.
Out of the way!

Here comes Louie Kurnitz, King of Yonkers!
- What'd I just do?
- You jumped in the water.

No, you stupid jerk. I made a splash.
That's what life is all about,
making a big splash.

Otherwise you die a nobody.
And I ain't dying till I'm somebody.

Get him!
Come on!
