Lost in Yonkers

You boys enjoy your little swim last night?
Louie knows we ain't gonna make a move
unless he's got the black bag with him.

But he'll have it with him tonight.
You can bet his life on it.
Teresa? Is that you?
It's Bella!
Oh, my God. Is that yours?
You were just a baby yourself
a few years ago.

- Is he a boy or a girl?
- Boy, Andrew.

Looks like his father, I think.
Your husband looks like this?
He must be very cute.

You know what? I used to make
ice-cream cones for your momma.

You think I could hold him for a second?
All right.
But be careful. He squirms a lot.
Don't worry. A baby is one thing
I would never drop.

You are so cute.
Look at that. He likes me.
All babies like me.
I see your raise...
...and I raise you...
...five more.
And what do I do?
That depends on
what's in your hand, Dumbo.

- You wanna see?
- No, I don't wanna...

You call me.
Two, three, four, five.
Now what do you got?
Four cards. Is that any good?
