Lost in Yonkers

I had to sit in the right seat
to listen to this?

Jean Arthur and William Holden?
Are they in the picture that you pictured?

Is that what this is all about?
Is this about what movies
you went to see last week?

No, I'm getting to it.
Jay, ask me more questions. Come on.

- Did you go alone?
- I did. I always go alone.

It is interesting you would ask me that,
because I met a friend there.

You get to ask me questions, too, Gert.
I don't know what kind of questions
to ask you.

Ask her who the friend was.
- Who was the friend?
- His name is Johnny.

I always see him there 'cause
he's the head usher. He's really nice.

You just saw him in the theatre?
No. Once or twice we went out for coffee,
and once we went for a walk in the park.

- You went to the park with this guy?
- Yeah, but just to talk.

You have to sit down
if you want to ask me questions.

- Whose turn is it now?
- Is this when you came home from 11:00?

Yeah, it was.
Thank you for listening, Momma.

What were you doing until 11:00?
We walked and we talked
and we got to know each other.

And he does not want to be
an usher forever.

One day he wants to open up
his own restaurant.

His own restaurant? And he's an usher?
What is he, 15, 16?

No. He's 40. And he wants to
open up the restaurant with me.

- Why with you?
- Because I would do all of the cooking.

And I'd write out the menus.
And I'd keep the books.

- What would he do?
- He will be the manager.

If he's the manager then why won't he
write the menus and keep the books?

'Cause he has a reading handicap.
- What?
- He has a reading handicap.

Wait. Hold it a minute.
What are you saying? He can't read?

You're not supposed to get out of
your chair. That's not how I pictured it.
