That's Phil fuckin' Donahue.
Let the body heat coming up
through your hand warm up the cognac.
Giveit a little swirl.
All right, take a little sniff.
Nice, right?
Okay, take a sip. But holdit.
Don't gulpit. Just letit leak back
down your throat.
-I know how to drink cognac.
Hello. Not now.
My wife thinks fucking and cooking
are two citiesin China.
I thought you said you weren't married.
-Where'd you hear that?
-I just made that up.
-Go ahead, useit.
Don't ever fuck with me.
Don't ever lie to me...
...disrespect me, underestimate me.
If you do, your life becomes a raging sea.
But come to me like a man...
...with your eyes open, head up, hand out...
...then I become more than a friend,
more than a shoulder.
I become the expediter of your dreams.
That's beautiful.
Get the hellin the car, Wayne.
Whatifit rains?
I wish I was a handsome man.