Why? Because you people
got me surrounded, that's why.
-So here's your bag. Come on.
-What are you talkin' about?
-Frank maybe killed somebody last night.
If Frank wasinvolvedin something,
he's notinvolved.
-He's a million miles away.
-I'll tell you about "involved."
I buddy up to a guy one night,
he maybe kills someone the next.
It comes out I got drunk with the shooter,
I got his girlin my house.
I swear I don't know
what you're talking about.
Good-bye. Let's go. Come on.
You don't understand!
There's a penalty system here.
For who? Me?
No, for me.
You send me back, I'll beinto him forever.
Why? You owe him?
I don't know what happened last night.
I don't getinvolved with Frank's mess.
-But you owe him?
-It's complicated.
Complicated? Complicated, like how?
Complicated, like how?
Talk to me. Thisis my house.
Complicated, like how?
"If there's a cash-flow problem,
I'll takeitin trade." He ever say that?
My brother had the cash-flow problem,
and I'm the trade.
I do what Frank wants
until my brother'sin the clear.
You do whatever Frank wants like what?
He said to be your friend for a week.
You saved his life! That's all I know!
You send me back,
he'll tell me I screwed up...
...add two months, six months.
With Frank, you can't argue.
You can't fight.
You can't hide.
So can you help me out here?
Can I stay?
Why are you bangin' on my door?
You're makin' a lot of noise.
What's goin' on?
Are you the sheriff?
-I wanna see Lee.
-Fuck off.
-You okay?
-I'll snapit off at the ankle.
-It's okay.
-Are you sure?
Move your foot, shit bird.
I'm a police officer.
Wayne, we were just arguingin here.
Everything's okay.