Remember when we talked about the twin
cemetery plots and how romantic that is?
- Remember?
- Yes. Yes. We were.
Spending eternity with the beloved.
- I sound like one of those guys.
- Yes.
Yeah, but I was just wondering,
where is the cemetery?
It's in Nyack.
We used to summer
there occasionally.
What was that
about twin cemetery plots?
I knew you were trying to tell me
something, so I picked up on it quickly.
I was in the kitchen making the coffee.
There were no beans,
so I was looking in his cupboards.
And I came across this urn, okay? And
I opened it and there were ashes in it.
- Ashes? Did you wash your hands?
- He had her cremated!
How did you know it was her?
Did they resemble Mrs. House?
- Who else would it be?
- Anybody.
Could be a relative.
His accountant. His cat.
- Right. Hidden? Hidden away?
- What do you mean?
- The guy didn't do anything.
- All I know is, he lied. Okay? He lied.
Maybe he's embarrassed.
Maybe he didn't want to spend
eternity next to the beloved.
So he told us that.
You know, what's the difference?
- Who are you calling?
- Ted.
Jesus. Leave the guy alone.
He's a poor widower. He wants
to go on a vacation or something.
Yeah? Where? I know where.
Snorkeling, right?
So what? He has fun sitting
at the bottom of the water with squid.
I know. I know. What about this?
- What if they had a big insurance policy?
- Too much Double Indemnity.
Hi. Yeah. Hi, it's me.
We were just in our neighbor's
apartment, right?
Get this. I came across
an urn with ashes in it.
Only, he says he had his wife buried.