Manhattan Murder Mystery

- It's not her.
- It's not her?

No, it's not her.
- What?
- Oh, God.

You really have
this worked out, don't you?

I figured she'd come out
and go to work.

Maybe she doesn't work. Maybe she's
like you and she has writer's hours.

I'm writing a play about something
that happened to us.

God. Oh, dear. What?
Remember when you and I and Larry and
Julie were on that eating tour of France?

Oh, God. Yeah. Yeah.
And they wandered off
and forgot to pick us up?

We shared that
bed-and-breakfast place.

Remember those wonderful cottages?
And I remember that we shared
a bedroom together, right?

- Not a bed.
- No, not a...

Well, God, you were too
gentlemanly to suggest that.

- It's not that I didn't think of it.
- No.

I knew what was going on
because of the way...

:38:07 kept plying me
with Château Margaux.

It could have been our little secret.
Then you passed out.

Yeah, God. It seems like
a long time ago, doesn't it?

Not that long ago.
Look. Look, look, look.
- Helen! Duck.
- God, yeah. Right.

- She didn't see us.
- No?

- That's gotta be her. She answers to Helen.
- She answers to Helen. She's pretty.

- Yeah.
- She's...

- What is she doing?
- She's getting a cab. Keep down.

- Okay, don't worry.
- I'm gonna follow her.
