Mr. Jones

You have some mail.
- Libbie....
- Hi.

This is June.
It's so nice to meet you.
You know, it's been six months, Libbie.
I just thought it was time
you should meet her.

Take your crap out of the medicine cabinet,
while you're at it.

All right, okay.
You're a robot, you know that?
I can't hear you.
You're not a real person.
Only a mutant would pull a stunt like this.
Are you talking to yourself, Libbie?
Yeah, I'm talking to myself.
Who would have thought
that I'd be on the Johnny Carson Show?

Did you know, when I was born...
l didn't have a name
till I was 3 years old?

Because my father,
who's this really rigid old Chinese guy...

told me that when I was little,
there was an ancient Chinese tradition...

where the unborn child knows its name
before it's even born.

So the parents listen for it
and they try to get the name.

Obviously, in my case,
they couldn't hear it.

It's not like they weren't listening,
it was on purpose.

My mother wanted to name me Miranda
because she liked to dress like that.

With fruit and stuff.... I mean, hats!
I don't understand these hats.

But she couldn't say, "Miranda" because
it was "Melanda" and didn't sound right.

She wanted to avoid
the whole "L" and "R" thing.

So they called me Amanda. Amanda!
She's never understood me.
She always has this...
big smile on her face!
As if nothing's wrong,
as if everything is okay.

