Mr. Jones

- You gotta get me out of here.
- I can't do that.

Not right now.
Right. I know the rules.
Seventy-two hours. I know.

But you can do it. You can do it. Please?
Please? Please, I'm dying!

- Get me the fuck out of here.
- Mr. Jones, you have a disease.

Manic-depressive disorder.
It's like having diabetes.
No shit! And here I thought
I was just having a bad day!

It's a highly treatable chemical imbalance.
- We've had a great deal of success...
- Look, fuck-face!

I have been in and out of hospitals
for 20 years!

There are two words that I really
do not appreciate!

One is "great," the other "success".
I'm going to tell you something.
Both of you listen,
you might learn something.

It is not a disease! Okay?
Not a disease! I do not have a disease.

This is who I am! I like who I am!
You got it?

Forget it. Don't even think
about that fucking needle!

I'll give you some medication
so you won't hurt yourself.

I'm not hurting myself,
they're hurting myself.

- Look, Mr. Jones....
- What?

- You're here?
- Yeah.

- You asked for me?
- Yes.

I came.
You did come. Thank you.
You've made me very happy. Thank you.

- Now, you're very agitated.
- I am agitated.

- And very tired.
- I'm not tired! I'm not tired.

I'd like to give you something
to help you rest.

Forget the Haldol! I'm not taking Haldol.
Forget it!

That's not Haldol.
- What is it?
- This is Amytal.

- You've heard of it?
- Yeah.

- It's a sedative.
- It's good.

- You'll sleep.
- I know what it is.

- Something to help you rest.
- To help me rest.

Okay. You're awfully pretty
when you smile.

Here. Let me help you out.
This is going to be good.
Glass of Chardonnay?
Think of this as a whole bottle.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
I enjoyed that.
