Mr. Jones

Now you'll go home...
and have some wine.
I'll have a glass of wine.
You'll think of me and have some wine.
I'll think of you getting better.
Okay. I'll rest, but I won't sleep.
- You don't have to sleep.
- Thank you very much.

You're pretty. Elizabeth, my Elizabeth.
Elizabeth, where do they all go?
Where did he go? He was 18.
Where did he go?
Where...? Mommy?
I had such a bad dream.
Do you understand why you're here?
Yes. This is a competency hearing.
Do you understand the consequences
of these proceedings?

Yes, I do. I am facing involuntary
commitment to a mental hospital...

with indeterminate release.
Attorney, you may proceed.
- Please state your name.
- Dr. Elizabeth Bowen.

And Dr. Bowen, are you board-certified
to practice in this state?

Yes, I am.
Why do you think Mr. Jones should be
on a hold?

I believe that he is suffering from
bipolar manic-depressive disorder...

and he's currently in a manic cycle.
What behaviours or attitudes can
you report to support this assumption?

Two incidents.
In the first, he had to be restrained
on a roof for his own safety...

after claiming he was going to fly.
It's actually, it was a fairly creative act,
if you keep your mind open.

Okay, all right. Sorry.
In the second, he was brought to us
by the police...

after disrupting a symphony orchestra.
Excuse me, is the original conductor
here also?

Mr. Jones, please.
You'll have an opportunity to respond.
