Mrs. Doubtfire

You spend too much time with
those corporate clones you used to despise.

I spend too much time with you, Daniel.
It's over!

It's over.
Come on, Miranda. We've got problems,
but who doesn't? We could work 'em out.

We've been trying to workthem out
for 14 years.

Come on, please. Listen.
Maybe we need some help, OK?

Maybe a family therapist
will help us do this together.

It's too late for that.
Well, let's take a vacation with the kids,
as a family. Getyou away from work.

You're a different person.
You really are. You're great.

Our problems would be waiting for us
when we got back.

We'll move, and hopefully
our problems won't follow us.

Daniel, please don't joke.
We've just grown apart. We're different.
- We have nothing in common.
- Oh, sure we do. We love each other.

Come on, Miranda. We love each other.
Don't we?
I want a divorce.
We can't. We're a family. You know?
I'm so sorry.
