...call up me.
Come, neighbor.
We hear our charge.
Let us sit here upon the bench till 2:00,
and then all to bed.
One word more, honest neighbors.
I pray you watch about Signior Leonato's door...
...for the wedding being there tomorrow,
there is a great coil tonight.
Be vigitant, I beseech you.
It is so.
The Count Claudio shall marry
the daughter of Leonato.
Yea, my lord, but I can cross it.
Any bar, any cross, any impediment
will be medicinable to me.
I am sick in displeasure to him...
...and whatsoever comes athwart
his affection ranges evenly with mine.
How canst thou cross this marriage?
Not honestly, my lord, but so covertly
that no dishonesty shall appear in me.
Show me briefly how.
I think I told your lordship a year since,
how much I am in the favor of Margaret...
-...the waiting gentlewoman to Hero.
-I remember.
I can, at any unseasonable instant of the night...
...appoint her to look out
at her lady's chamber window.
What life is in that
to be the death of this marriage?
Well, the poison of that lies in you to temper.