D'you want a cup o'tea?
I'd love a cup o'tea. You're fuckin'
generous, you cockerneys, aren't yer?
Yeah. Ta.
'ow's yer mam?
Fine. 'ow's yours? Still pullin' pints?
She's dead. She's still a good fuck, though.
I mean the rates are a bit extortionate, but I do get a discount, what with being the son and everything.
Apparently, right, you shouldn't stick
anything up your cunt
you can't put in your mouth.
Give us that mug.
Can I try your coat on, Johnny?
So what you've been up to? 'ave you seen anybody?
Have you seen anybody?
Have you spoken to anybody from Manchester?
Yeah, I've phoned June a couple o' times.
And was June interested in what you had to say?
Fuckin' hell. I've seen more life in an open grave. Come on!!
- What?
- What?! I mean, you don't not seem very pleased to see me.
I am pleased to see you!
Are you too good for us? Now you've got yourself a posh job in a big 'shitty'?
I mean, me an''her
- are on the fuckin' dole, aren't we?
- Right!
And you're a carrier girl - are you happy with that?
Are you sure?
I'm delighted
D'you want some o' this,
Johnny ?
Fuckin' 'ell love, what're you trying to do to me?