
Aye, well, I was starvin' wasn't I?
- I'll fuckin' gi' yer fuckin' chips!
- Fuck off!

- Fuckin' leave us alone!
- Kick your fuckin' cunt
Did he 'urt you?
What d'you mean?
You know, when you were fuckin'?
Why? Did he 'urt you?
D'you thing you were made for each other?
Well, we went out for a year.
A year?! Fuckin''ell - gimme a year!
D'you ever feel like topping yourself?
Oh, God! I wish I was at 'ome
Glad I'm not.
Yeah, well, I don't mean with me mum and dad.
I just mean in Manchester.

Oh, you reckon it's different there, do you?
- Yeah - people talk to you.
- Well, I'm talkin' to you.

Yeah, but you talk a pile of shit.
Don't matter where are you, anyway.
You might as well be in Zimbabwe with Sandra.
Are you gonna do any washin' up before she gets back?
Yeah, course I am.
When is she gettin' back?

Well, that's four fuckin' days away, innit?
