and I haven't seen her for thirteen years.
It's all going very well then. Where is she?
She's in Bangkok.
- They're not worth it, are they?
- Whores and harlots.
When was the last time you 'ad a fuck?
Is that an embarassin' question for you?
It is rather - yes.
I'm sorry.
Step this way.
I want to reveal to you the mysteries of my trade.
What d'you think that is?
A Dadaist nun?
Wrong. This little lady is the representative of my employer.
How d'you do, love?
Very Zen.
My existence at this moment on this spot is now trapped and recorded.
23 moments, 23 sites, every two hours.
That's my job.
Well, could they not train a tall chimpanzee to do that?
Or, a small chimpanzee with a bigger gizmo?
I suppose they could, yes.
What's your name, son?
- Brian.
- Hallo Brian - Johnny.
Well, Brian, congratulations, you've succeeded in convincin' me
that you do 'ave the most tedious fuckin' job in England.
Come on.
- Yes! It is a boring job! Bloody boring, actually.
- All right! All right!
But all you can see is the tip of the iceberg.
The present. The tedious here and now.
What you're not capable of seeing is the rest of time - the rest of the iceberg.
The past and the future.
My future. Which is a very interesting place to be.
And the good thing about this job is that it gives me time and space
to contemplate the future at my leisure.
Whilst the city sleeps.
Free from cacophonous curiosity of the hoi polloi.