I know what my destiny is.
Yeah but what you're experiencing, as far as I can gather what with all these manifestations of
regression and precognition
and transmigratory astral fuckin' chatterin's,
is just the equivalent of that first primeval grunt.
Because evolution isn't over.
Man isn't the fuckin' be-all and fuckin' end-all.
Look. If you take the whole of time represented by one year,
we're only in the first few moments of the 1st of January.
There's a long way to go.
Only now we're not going to sprout extra limbs and wings and fins
because evolution itself is evolving.
And whereas you, through some process of extra-sensory recall,
might imagine that you were some -
I dunno, some 17th century little Dutch girl livin' in a windmill in Old Amsterdam,
one day you'll realize that you've had not just one or two
past or future existences,
but that you were, and are, everybody and everything that 'as ever been,
or will ever be.
Hang on a minute. You've just contradicted yourself.
Oh, and 'ow'd you make that out?
Downstairs you were predicting the end of the world.
Now you're talking about the future.
How do you explain that, eh?
When it comes, the Apocalypse itself
will be part of the process of that leap of evolution.
Yeah, well, whatever happens, mankind will not cease to exist.
He must. By the very definition of Apocalypse, Mankind must cease to exist,
at least in a material form.
What d'you mean, in a material form?
Well, 'e'll evolve.
What into?
Into something that transcends matter.
Into a species of pure thought. Are you with me?
Yeah. Like a ghost.
No, not like a fuckin' ghost, you big girl's blouse!
Into something that's, like, well beyond our comprehension.
Into a universal consciousness,
Into God. Who is.
By the same principle that time is.
You don't believe in God.
'Course I believe in God.
You see... The thing is, Brian
that God is a hateful God.