You with me?
You see, what I'm saying, basically, is you can't make an omelette without crackin' a few eggs,
and humanity is just a cracked egg. And the omelette
Oh. And what's through the round window?
'Oo's that?
Good question.
'Ave you seen 'er before?
Oh yeah. She's there every night.
Good-looking young girl, in't she?
She's all right.
Does she ever 'as fellers up there?
'Ave you ever seen 'er, like, you know, totally naked?
What's she up to, eh?
I mean, what's her game, taunting people in the middle of the night, eh?
She probably gets a kick out of it.
Like you get a kick out o' watching 'er.
I'm doing no such thing.
Well, I am.
'Ave your got a 'ard-on?
No, I haven't, as a matter of fact.
You wouldn't tell me if you had, would you?
No, I don't think I would.
- Did you make these youself?
- I did, yeah.
I thought so.
Well, listen, I might be back in a couple of minutes.
Be good. If you can't be good, be careful!
And other cliches.