I've just popped round to say hallo
Well, Sandra's away at the moment, actually
I hope you don't mind,
but I helped myself to a beer
Yeah, I noticed. Is that your champagne an' all?
You like champagne, do you?
Yeah. I do, as it 'appens.
This is a very nice flat, don't you think?
'Ow'd you get in 'ere?
Tell me, d'you have any problems with the central heating?
Oh, are you the plumber?
Let's just say I've got a vested interest in the property
Fuckin' 'ell, you're the landlord.
I'd rather you thought of me as a friend
Oh shit!
What, is Sandra behind on the rent or somethin'?
Was your tattoo painful?
You're very beautiful, aren't you?
Am I?
In a quirky sort of way.
Are you a nurse?
Yeah. Psychiatric.
These are a very fetching pair of tights
Ah, you like them, do yer, Mr Landlord?
Can we 'ave that champagne now, please?
Did you buy them
like this or are the holes self-inflicted?
No. A spider spun them, and that's where he 'ad a tea-break.
Fuckin' 'ell! That's a bit excessive, innit?
I rather like this belt too
Oh, God! 'Ere we go.
Excuse me, where d'you think you're going?
I'm goin' home
What, are you leavin' me?
I've come all this way to see you and you're goin'!
I can't believe it,
I'm stunned, I'm flabbergasted.
Shall we get you a tissue?
Sounds promisin'. Do you live nearby?
I might do.
I mean, is it within walking distance?
No, 'cause you see, I've got this fascination with all things peripatetic.
See you!
I'm cheeky, aren't I?
Have you stolen the teacosy?
Love, people can see you wearin' that thing,