are you not embarassed? No?
Don't give up
Put this on!
Oh, what? We're gonna play doctors and nurses now, are we?
Hurry up!
Oh, this is ridiculous.
Listen, I'm really sorry, right?
But I've had a bit of a rough week,
and I just don't think I can go through with this
Oh, no! No!
Fuck off! leave me alove! No!
You fuckin' bastard!!
D'you want some beans?
Yeah, cheers.
So, what would you be doin' now if I wasn't 'ere?
Having a shower, relaxin'
I could do with a shower myself
I haven't washed for about a week
As you've probably noticed
Well, you can 'ave one if you like
Are you sure?
Yeah. Bathroom's just here
Fuckin' 'ell
What did I do to deserve you, love?
Just press this button