And that's it, that's the key to enlightenment, which is, it's like that's why,
it's like such a potent motif of civilization - it's the wall.
It's like the, the Great Wall of China, and the Wall of Jericho
and the Berlin Wall, and the Wailin' Wall
Now you see the Jews, they've almost got it, an't they?
What with the old rockin' and that, and you know, just that six inches away
and they'd be there, they'd have won the fuckin' race, they'll be there, you with me?
What is all this, anyway? What are you doin'? Cancel everythin'.
In the beginnin' there was the Word, and the word was 'cancelled'
D'you get like satisfaction out of this?
D'you think you're makin' a contribution?
You're like sort of publicly promulgatin' vacuities? Are you with me?
Fuckin' hell!!
Oh, that's it! Blank it all out! Blank it all out
till you just atrophy and die of fuckin' indifference.
Can I show you somethin', pal? You see that at the top of your legs?
That's your arse and that's your fuckin' elbow! Do you want to write it down or s-
'Oo's that supposed to be, me dad?
You wanna watch that, mate - I've got a dicky sacrum 'ere
Can you come back here? Did I upset you?
You've got me bag! You fuckin' tosser!!
You f-
Oh, listen!! Does anybody mind if I scream 'ere?
Is that OK with you all? 'Cos I'd feel better
for it - won't take long!