- Here's the key
- Well, I don't wan' 'em!
Well I don't fuckin' want them!
I'm not a social worker!
Look, Sophie. Don't be fuckin' stupid!
What's the point, Louise?
I'm sorry
You all right?
I'm goin'
Work. To 'and my notice in.
Then I'm comin' back 'ere, I'm packing me bags,
and I'm goin' 'ome. D'you wanna come?
- Today?
- Yeah.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah.
- 'Ow?
- Bus.
- Well, 'ave you got enough dough?
- Yeah.
- 'Cos I've not got nothin'
- I know.
D'you think you can make it?
Don't know.
Well, if you dpn't, we can stay 'ere until tomorrow.
See you later.
Can you leave us a few fags for cancer research?
Here are your...
I was actually hoping that the air could...
What are we gonna do about all this...
I dunno, Sandra.
Look, I'll see you in a couple of hours.