Needful Things

Eight, ten, a dozen races.
Then go right to the track,
and bet on those fillies...

...that won on this astonishing toy
from Japan Incorporated.

He'd rake in the cash, Dan.
Rake in the goddamn cash.

Rake in the cash.
How much?
Good day to you.
- Good morning, Father.
- Father.

- What do you want?
- Coffee and the usual.

Hey, Corn Cobb.
- What's the button on your boob?
- You're crazy.

- You leave me alone!
- Take it easy, Nettie.

Put the knife down.
Put it down.
Okay, Wilma. What'll it be?
Raider on rye, a little glass of puppy pus,
and two nice doggie eyes.

- Why don't you just order up or get out?
- Wilma.

- Shit.
- It's okay.

I'll go talk to her.
April Dreaming, Junction Salute.
She's A Hell-Raiser.
Tammy's Wonder, Easy Sweep.
That's My Boy.
Yes, okay, little puppies.
You ready now? Let's run a good race.

- Ready, set, go!
- And away they go!

And it's Tammy's Wonder. April Dreaming.
