Needful Things

You wussy.
No more killing.
Not in Castle Rock!
Not me, not you, not anybody!

This shit stops now!
Listen to me.
All of you.
:46:23 here...
...Leland Gaunt...
We're waiting.
He came here to destroy us.
To make us destroy ourselves.
Can't you see what's happening here?
This is what he needs.

This is what he wants.
He's got us all lined up
like a bunch of human fuse boxes.

He hot wires Wilma Jerzyk to Nettie Cobb,
except he does it with wires...

...from two other fuse boxes:
Brian Rusk and whoever it was
that skinned the poor dog...

...because it wasn't Wilma, was it, Pete?
- No, sir.

Then he crosswires all the rest of us
the same way.

What did he make you do,
Eddie, Myra, Frank?

How about you, Karen?
What price did you have to pay
for your needful thing?

Father Meehan...
...Reverend Rose, look at yourselves.
Your little boy's in a hospital
because he knew what this man is.

And he tried to tell me,
but I got sucked in just like everybody else.

Don't you see what he's done?
We're all decent people.
We are.
And he's preyed on our weaknesses
and our hatred and our greed...

...and our prejudice and our fear.
Don't you understand? He runs on hate.
And he's used it
to turn us all against each other.
