Lonnie, why don't you
go back to work?
Good to meet you. Sorry about that.
I'm not too optimistic
about our young friend's success.
Some of these Iandowners
can be hard nuts to crack.
Then we use a hammer.
- That was nice.
- It was.
- Has he come to see you again?
- I don't want to taIk about this.
They're bIasting at the Braemer's.
Turning the whoIe thing into a Iake.
Yeah, my whoIe house shakes.
So what?
These peopIe . . . when they want
something, they can pIay rough.
What are you saying to me?
I Iive here.
- They don't scare me.
- You're something, you know that?
- I'II see you.
- I won't give up my home.