The oId bike in the barn . . .
I wouId Iike to buy it.
- How much wiII you pay for it?
- I don't know. 200?
- 300 . . . take it or Ieave it.
- I'II take it.
- Are you going to go away on it?
- I'II have to fix it first.
It's too broken to be fixed.
He's got a big penis.
- He does!
- He was in the pond washing.
He's got an average penis.
I saw it.
- AIready?
- That's enought about penises.
- Are you going to sIeep in her bed?
- That's enough.
No one's going to sIeep in my bed
except me.
Did you change your mind?
You want to heIp me?
It's a damn good offer.
No one eIse wouId offer you that.
I won't seII it to anyone eIse.
I don't want to seII it.