- What's this stuff for?
- That's for the brakes.
- What about this?
- That's gasket seaIer.
- What kind of a car have you got?
- It's a motorcycIe.
- A what?
- A motorcycIe.
You're not from around here,
are you?
- Neither are you.
- That's right.
You're that Canadian guy who
puIIed Tom Lewis out of his barn.
- You're him.
- He saved aII the horses, too.
You did? Wow! That must
have reaIIy been something.
- What kind?
- What?
What kind of motorcycIe
are you working on?
A Triumph.
They don't make 'em
Iike that any more, do they?
No, they don't.
Let's go.
See you.
Good Iuck with the motorcycIe.
- CouId I Iearn to drive this thing?
- I can show you right now.
I don't reaIIy want to know.
Just as you know what you're doing.
- Don't get caught.
- I thought the Iaw was bought.
- He was paid, but I'm not sure.
- It's not for you to worry about.
- Who's worrying?
- Good.
- Is that your card?
- Yeah. How did you do that?
- Mummy, is that your wedding?
- Yep.