- What did you find out about him?
- I know he's not her cousin.
Good, Lonnie.
I don't care who he isn't.
This asshoIe is reaIIy bothering me.
I'm going to go out there and
persuade him not to stick around.
Listen, as a personaI favour,
give me first crack at him.
- CIydie's not here.
- I know that.
- I never saw your identification.
- I thought we'd been through this.
Put your hands up against
the barn door. Move!
Spread 'em !
- Are you arresting me?
- Maybe.
- What for?
- I haven't decided yet.
Why don't you just Ieave her aIone?
You're fucking it aII up!
For everybody's sake, just Ieave.