- I'm fine. Your dad is fine.
-what are you doing?
- Andy, am I interrupting you?
- In a word, Bob.
Charles wants to see you upstairs.
I was just about to take a break.
You're sure I'm not underdressed?
Andy has expressed a keen interest
in Highline versus Sander Systems.
- The participants interest me.
- It's an anti-trust action.
Is it? Sander Systems copies
Highline's spreadsheet program.
For me, the legal principle involved
is copyright infringement.
Tell me this, Andy.which side would
you like to see emerge victorious?
Don't be influenced by my friendship
with Sander's CEO Billwright.
- I'd like to see Highline win.
-why, Beckett?
If Sander Systems wins, an energetic
young company is destroyed.
Copyright laws were enacted to stop
exactly what Sander are doing.