
Why did you ever give me Highline?
You nearly blew the entire case.
It could have been a catastrophe.

You concealed your illness.
That's correct.
Explain it like I'm a two-year-old.
I can't seem to grasp this.

Weren't you obliged to tell
your employer you had AIDS?

That's not the point.
I always served my clients
with absolute excellence.

If they hadn't fired me,
I'd still do that.

They couldn't fire you
for being sick, -

- so they tried
to make you look imcompetent.

Correct. I was sabotaged.
I don't buy it, counsellor.
- That's very disappointing.
- I don't see a case.

I have a case.
- If you don't want it ...
- That's correct. I don't.

Thank you for your time.
Mr. Beckett ...
I'm sorry about what happened.
It's a bitch.

- Have a nice day, Mr. Beckett.
-what's the matter with that guy?

Iris, get me Armbruster.
