- Do you think I'm gay?
- Aren't you?
- Do I look gay to you?
- Do I look gay to you?
- Relax.
- I ought to kick your faggoty ass.
Take it as a compliment.
That is exactly the kind of bullshit
that makes people hate your ...
... faggoty asses.
- You try and kick my ass, asshole.
- No, you're the asshole, buddy!
Continue, Ms. O'Hara.
We were going crazy
looking for this complaint.
Mr. Beckett was screaming.
He looked so freaky.
Mr. Kenton kept saying,
"You lost the Highline complaint!"
All of a sudden,
Jamey comes in with the complaint.
- He says "lt was in Central Files!"
- Central Files?
That's where files are sent
when cases are closed.
Jamey got to the court just in time.
Everybody was completely wasted.
Mr. Beckett just kept saying,
"l'm sorry. I don't understand."
Thank you.
No further questions.
Mr. Miller.
- May l?
- Certainly.