I know you ain't gonna let no nigga
make you walk all the way to Oakland.
J, come on.
Man, just chill, all right?
If you want to, we can call
the homeys if it's all that.
-They still gonna f uck you up.
-Get your ass in the truck.
-Shut up, Chicago!
-Frankly, my dear, I don't give a f uck.
"They still gonna f uck you up."
You drive, nigga.
Good, now I can get my drink on.
Put 20 on f our.
Don't get too much liquor.
And bring me
some Cheetos and a 40.
-You need to put her ass in check.
-Mind your own f ucking business.
Fuck that, let's stay on schedule.
Fuck that CP time.
-Ex cuse me.
-Ex cuse me.
-ls that your truck?
-Yeah, it's my rig.
Who the dude getting in the cab?
Pardon me.
I gotta have my Gordon's and Socko.
Check and see if you see some Socko.
They don't have no eightball?
Y'all ain't got Olde E?
You know they don't sell that
outside the Black neighbourhoods.
Oh, well. Chicago just gonna
have to settle f or a Miller Light.
I hope they got my gin.
You know how you get when you drink.
You know what your man said.
Chicago? That ain't my daddy.
I don't listen to him.