Rising Sun

This is about who would control MicroCon.
Whoever controlled the Senator
would control the fate of MicroCon.

This is the part of the disk
we never saw before.

There. You see that?
Yeah, the clock. It's moving.
No. The girl.
She's moving.
Holy shit.
She's alive.
She was alive, until...
Now, who the hell is this?
Someone who's been observing
and knows the exact location
of the hidden cameras.

Please go on.
What? That's it?
That's all we got?!
- We can't let 'em get away with this shit.
- Get away with this?

They won't get away with this.
I am very, very okotta!
- Pissed off.
- Yes! Pissed off.

Good. So what do we do now?
Yes. What do we do now?
- You're asking me?
- Yes.

We beat the grass to startle the snakes.
