Rising Sun

Look, I can prove it to you.
Just let me call you later.

I will bring you something.
- I think that's a bad idea.
- Captain.

Nakamoto is keiretsu.
My father is Daimatsu keiretsu.
If his son is arrested here,
there will be repercussions.

Business is war. I know you understand.
Do you have your passport?
Yeah, sure.
Give him your card.
And you call him, Eddie.
- I sure hope you know what you're doing.
- Me, too.

He's guilty as hell.
Well, my dairokkan says he's not.
I hope your intuition is right.
Look, sempai,
my dairokkan tells me your dairokkan
wasn't why you let Eddie go.

In Japan, his father saved my life.
And Eddie reminded you of that?
He would never remind me.
It's my responsibility to remember.
So what is all this bullshit
about his father's keiretsu?

Bullshit? There's a keiretsu war going on.
A Japanese corporation never stands alone.
A keiretsu is a united front
of hundreds of powerful companies,

all acting in partnership to win.
To win what?
Whatever's there.
