So you're Robin of Loxley, huh?
l've heard so much about you.
And you are?
Maid Marian.
Maid Marian.
Rumours of your beauty have travelled
far and wide.
Yet l see they hardly do you justice.
What a smoothie!
He's definitely a smoothie.
King illegal forest...
...to pig wild...
...kill in it a is--
l mean, don't you know?
lt is illegal to kill wild pig
in the king's forest!
ls it not also illegal
to sit in the king's throne...
...and usurp his power in his absence?
Careful, Robin! You go too far.
l've only just begun.
l'm warning you, if you don't stop
levying these taxes...
...l'll lead the people
in a revolt against you.
And why should the people
listen to you?
Because unlike some
other Robin Hoods...
...l can speak with an English accent.
To tell you the truth, this guy's
starting to get on my nerves!
Worry not, Your Highness.
l shall dispose of this
feathered upstart.
l challenge you to a duel.
l accept.
That's going to cost you, Loxley!
Please put it on my bill.
So it's come down to this, has it?
A fight to the death...
...mano a mano...
...man to man...
...just you and me and my...