l sent word that each village should
send the very best men they have.
These are them.
We're in a lot of trouble.
Good people, who have travelled from
villages near and far...
...lend me your ears.
That's disgusting.
Hear me!
Men like Prince John and Rottingham
must be stopped!
Stopped from taxing us into poverty!
Stopped from taking what is ours!
lf we stand up to them all together
as one, we can win the day!
We shall go on to the end.
We shall not flag or fail.
We shall fight on the seas and oceans.
We shall defend our isle,
whatever the cost may be.
We shall never surrender.
Then they shall say of us:
'' Never have so many
owed so much to so few.''
That was beautiful. What's going on?
They're asleep.
Hey, man.
Tough room.
Why don't you let me give it a try?
Look at yourselves.
Go on, take a look around.
People of Sherwood, you been had!
Run amuck!
We didn't land on Sherwood Forest.
Sherwood Forest landed on us!