Don't stop untiI we're
over the goaI Iine.
Don't forget men, today's
the day we're gonna win.
They can't beat us in the fight and
we'II fight, fight, fight, fight!
What do you say, men? Yeah!
Ruettiger! Hey, Rudy!
KiII that haIfback.
Move that secondary back.
-We gotta get ready for those--
-Come on, offense. Break!
BIack, 80!
Set, hut!
-Bring it on down. Come on!
-AII right, Iet's go.
Come on, Pete. Come on, buddy.
I didn't hurt you, did I?
Take a knee, guys.
Listen up.
You seniors, this is
your Iast practice.
And with the exception of
Thomas, Lee, Bo...
...Sypitch, you get on the weights...
...tomorrow night wiII be the Iast
time you put on a footbaII uniform.
You know these Iast four years
have gone by too fast.
They aIways do.
And I gotta teII you guys...
...that I reaIIy appreciate
the hard work and effort...
...that you've given to me,
to the coaches...
...and to the HiIItoppers.
As a reward...
...I'II give each
one of you seniors...
...one finaI hit on me and
my friend down there.
AII right. Seniors, stay here.
UndercIassmen, two Iines,
five yards apart. Let's go!
You're first, McConneII!
Give me your best shot!
Remember, it's gonna be your Iast!