Good shot!
Shower room.
Come on, David!
Okay, Rudy. Okay.
Hey, Rudy, we're gonna miss you.
Come on, Pete!
I can't beIieve it's over.
The bicameral legislature
...not in the United States,
but where?
Rudy, Rudy.
Mr. Ruettiger, wouId you be
interested in joining us?
-The House and the Senate--
-Don't even try.
If I were giving out grades for
daydreaming, you'd be getting an A.
But in civics, you're faiIing.
You see, Iadies and gentIemen...
...the probIem with dreamers
is, they usuaIIy aren't doers.
Their achievements are
grand up here...
...but here where it counts,
they faII short.
Now, the bicameraI IegisIature
originated-- HoId up.
I have an announcement.