''If you are a student interested in
the University of Notre Dame...
...a bus wiII be Ieaving here
at 1 0 a.m. Saturday, December 1 5th...
...for a one-day guided
tour of the campus.
PIease sign up by Wednesday,
November 5th.''
And Raciniak, good.
Whoa, wait!
Where are you going?
I'm going to see Notre Dame.
Do you have some friends
in South Bend?
-Then there must be some other reason.
When you announced it in cIass,
I thought anybody couId go.
I'm sorry. This bus is for students
who want to attend the university.
It's not a sightseeing tour.
Maybe someday I'II go to schooI there.
-Father Joseph, take over for me.
-Of course.
...you don't have the grades for JoIiet
Community, much Iess Notre Dame.
The secret to happiness
in this Iife...
...is to be gratefuI for the gifts
the good Lord has bestowed upon us.
...not everyone is meant
to go to coIIege.