What brought you here today?
I just came from my best friend's
funeraI. He said that--
Of course.
What do you mean, ''Of course''?
WeII, it's very common for peopIe...
...suffering a crisis to seek
escape into the cIoth.
-We recommend a grieving--
-Escape into the cIoth?
That's just an expression
that we use...
...for those who are running away from
emotionaI or psychoIogicaI pain...
...by choosing priesthood.
You think I want to become a priest?
Don't you?
Nothing against being a priest,
but I don't think it's for me.
Why are you here?
I want to go to schooI at Notre Dame.
WeII, have you appIied?
No, my grades have never been
very good, even though I tried.
But I'II try harder. I'II study
20 hours a day if I have to.
This university,
it's not for everybody.
Ever since I was a kid,
I wanted to go to schooI here.
And ever since I was a kid,
everyone said it couIdn't be done.
My whoIe Iife, peopIe have been teIIing
me what I couId do and couIdn't do.
I've aIways Iistened to them,
beIieved in what they said.
I don't want to do that anymore.
Okay, Mr. Rudy.
Here's the deaI...
...HoIy Cross Junior CoIIege is nearby.
I can get you one semester there.
You make grades,
you get another semester.
Maybe with a good GPA...
...you might have a chance
of getting into Notre Dame.