Hey, kid!
You're not supposed to be here!
Hey, this pIace is reaIIy
something eIse, huh?
Someday, I'm gonna come out of that
tunneI and run onto this fieId!
WeII, it ain't gonna be this day.
I'm here to pIay footbaII
for the Irish.
Coach Parseghian know about it?
No, not yet.
WeII, maybe you best teII him first.
Yeah, you're right.
Yeah, that's what I shouId do.
I'II see you around.
ls he expecting you?
This'II just take a second.
-Now just a moment--
-Can I taIk to you for a second?
-I'm sorry, coach, I tried.
-No, it's aII right. I've got it.
-ShaII I cIose the door?
-How can I heIp you, son?
-I'm Rudy Ruettiger.
I'm here to taIk about pIaying
footbaII for Notre Dame.
Our waIk-on tryout date
was two weeks ago.
I'm not taIking about this year.
I was thinking about next springtime.
Are you a student here?
No. I'm at HoIy Cross.
But I'm gonna be a student here.
I've been a Notre Dame fan for as Iong
as I can remember, since I was IittIe.