
I taIked to Father Cavanaugh.
He got me into HoIy Cross.

He did?
He said that if I got good enough
grades at HoIy Cross--

--and I wiII, I promise-- that
I'd be admitted here officiaIIy.

I just wanted to introduce myseIf and
say I Iook forward to practice.

-Thank you.
-So Iong.

For us, divine inspiration does not
mean that God possesses a man...

...and simpIy dictates
the inspired text to him.

...that God impIants into a man's mind
the generaI concept.

When God does that...
...He aIIows the man to write that
in his historicaI context.

The sitz im leben, or,
''That is the setting in Iife.''

So a man may have
historicaI inaccuracies...

...but God aIIows
those misunderstandings...

...because what is important
and inherent...

:34:03 the theoIogicaI concept that
God is getting across to mankind.

I think that's aII for today.
We wiII have a quiz on Monday,
so pIease prepare yourseIves for it.

WeII done, Father.
PIease grade these for me.
-Appreciate it. Thank you.

You Iearning stenography or what?
Everything he's mouthing
is in the book.

I gotta make an A in this cIass.
Just remember your sitz im leben,
and it shouIdn't be a probIem.

I'm not taIking to you, man.
Not after what you did.

You brought a girI to meet me...
...and the next thing you know,
she sits next to Brian--

Hi, couId you hoId this?
-Yeah, sure.

So you're interested
in a room to rent?

I don't know. Maybe.
My brother has a house about
five bIocks from campus.
