
I'm sick and tired of--
-I have an extra card I can give you.
-Just forget it.

Forget it. See you.
So if you're interested,
caII soon.

Maybe tonight. AII right, bye.
You don't have a goddamn cIue, do you?
About what?
About how to get an A in that cIass.
I couId heIp you.
Look, besides being an honor student
at Notre Dame...

...and a TA in Father--
I'm aIso a tutor for hire.
I can't even afford a room to rent.
Wait, maybe we can make
some other kind of deaI.

What kind of deaI?
...I got Notre Dame pretty weII
staked out.

Staked out?
-I don't know here--
-Excuse me.


I don't know the girIs
here at HoIy Cross.

-What's your point?
-WeII, maybe you couId....

-Introduce me to a few--
-I don't know any girIs here.

So be it.
Wait a minute.
Hey, wait!
Hey, wait a minute.
Maybe I do know some girIs.
In fact, I know a Iot of girIs.
-I just gotta find them.
-That's the spirit.

As you can see, I'm pretty
goddamn desperate.

I'm D-Bob.
-And I'm in Iove.

-Hey, how you doing?
-Don't say anything.

Pretty sweater you're wearing.
This is D-Bob.

He's feeIing not weII.
WiII you cut it out?
Branski twisted his knee.
He's not gonna make--
-Is this the practice fieId?
-AII practices are cIosed.
