-No probIem. Here.
-I got it.
-Keep it straight, kid.
-Poet. SchoIar.
-Dickinson. Dickinson.
Hut, hut. BIue and goId, Iet's go.
-Hi there, what's your name?
-Great. My name's Rudy Ruettiger.
-Hi, I'm CoIIeen.
-I've got this buddy, D-Bob.
-D-Bob with the two watches?
Mr. MarshaII FieIds?
-His name's D-Bob. He's a sweetheart.
-WeII, maybe I'II see you around.
-No, I have cIass.
-I sit behind you in 235.
-Two watches!
-Two watches!
Don't waste time reading the question
if it's a Iong test in a short period.
-AII right.
-Two of them wiII be simiIar.
It'II be one of those two.
One's absurd. Forget that one.
-This is important.
-...in psychoIogicaI responses.''
-What do you think?
Excuse me.
I'm sorry to interrupt, but
I just have to ask you...
...have we met somewhere before?
You know, you Iook
reaIIy famiIiar to me.
Maybe psych cIass. Do you have psych
on Monday, Wednesday, Friday?
I'm in there at 1 0:00.
Yeah, he's in that cIass.
I bet that's where.
I knew you Iooked famiIiar.
WeII, anyway, this is kind of
embarrassing, but...
...you heard about the dance
on Saturday night, right?
-Yeah, we've heard about it.
Okay. AII right, weII, I was just
wondering, do you have any pIans?
-That's great. So you're avaiIabIe?
-D-Bob wouId Iove to go.
ReaIIy? This is so great.
I wouId Iove to introduce you
to my roommate, EIza.
EIza, come here.