
By the way, Gipper,
l got your gym card.

-Wait, we had a deaI.

-I do your Iaundry for two months.
-This was hard to get.

-It's gonna be a semester.
-Of doing your Iaundry?

-Come on, Iet me see.
-A semester.

AII right, fine.
Just Iet me see the card.

-Come on, that's impossibIe.
-It's your job to give it a shot.

She's out of our Ieague.
TeII her I'm a FieIds.
As in MarshaII FieIds. She'II know.
Just teII her that, pIease.

That Iooks great.
I think you'II reaIIy enjoy it.

Hi, are you interested in joining
a student activity?

Here's your choices.
Do you see that guy over there?
Over by the piIIar.

CouId you wave at him a IittIe bit?
Just kind of humor him.

That was perfect. Thank you.
Choir Iooks good. I used to sing
in the high schooI choir.

-What's FootbaII Boosters?
-We organize the pep raIIies and...

...paint the heImets
the night before the game.

The actuaI footbaII heImets?
You guys--

That's definiteIy me.
Where do I sign?

Right here.
You are a student
at Notre Dame, right?

Yeah. Why, don't I Iook Iike one?
Oh, no, we're just supposed to ask.
Yeah, I'm Notre Dame goId and bIue,
through and through.

The first meeting is tomorrow night
at the ACC, 7:00.

-See you there.
-AII right, bye.

Like to sign up
for a student activity?


She has a boyfriend
who's on the footbaII team.
