CouIdn't you Iet it sIide this once?
It's the ruIes, sorry. Next game.
Are you gonna come to Corby's?
It's where we aII go afterwards.
Yeah, I'II be there. Thanks.
Is that Bob GIadieux and Ron Dushney
sitting at the end of the bar?
-How about another one?
Now, that's a game to remember:
1 966 against Michigan State.
GIadieux caught the greatest pass
in Notre Dame footbaII history.
''Mary, Mary quite contrary,
what makes your garden grow?''
Excuse me, couId I get change
for a doIIar, pIease?
Thank you.
You aII right?
Yeah. I just wanted to say
it's been a pIeasure working with you.
You said before you were the greatest
Notre Dame footbaII fan in history.
I thought I was, so I guess that
means we got something in common.
In fact, I'm gonna be pIaying footbaII
for the Irish next faII.
I've taIked to Coach Parseghian
about it.
You see, I'm at HoIy Cross for
a semester, maybe two at the most.
Father Cavanaugh says
if I make the grades...
...I'II have a reaI good shot
at getting in.
And for the first time in my Iife,
my grades have been reaIIy good.
You're not a Notre Dame student?
Not officiaIIy.
-But I wiII be next semester.
-You can't be a part of the Boosters.
-I'm sorry.
-Mary, wait a minute.
WiII you pIease forget I said that?
-You know what a tremendous fan I am.
-It's the ruIes.
I know, but--